Wednesday, February 26, 2014

ARE YOU DOUBTING A POSITIVE LIFE STYLE AFTER A NEGATIVE LIFE STYLE? Read this true life story. A must read for everyone.


A lady who was a deadly professional prostitute,
she did prostitution for a living and had a lot of customers around.
She knew that no man will never accept her as a wife,
so she went to a hospital and told the doctor to remove her
womb so that she will no longer be coming for abortions.

After some years, someone introduced the word of God to her
and immediately, she gave her life to Christ and started working in
the church and became dedicated to God.

As time went by, one of the Pastors called her
and said 'my sister, 'the Lord spoke to me that you are my
wife, i want to marry you.' The lady smiled and said 'Brother, the
Lord didn't tell u anything or maybe u didn't hear him clearly, go back
cause am not even planning to marry any man. The man came
back and said to her again 'the Lord said that u are my wife'. The
lady smiled and narrated her story to him.

The man still insisted to marry her and she told the Pastor,
'I don't have a womb, I removed it after several abortions', but the pastor still
insisted, 'The Lord said u are my wife', so they got married.

Not too long after some months she became pregnant. The lady
and the man went to the hospital were her womb was removed,
the doctor thought she was coming for another business...but
the lady told the doctor that 'I am pregnant and i have come to
your hospital to register'.

The doctor was shocked, with laughter he said, 'u told me to remove your womb,
u can no longer have children'. but the lady told him it is the GRACE, FAVOUR and
MERCY of GOD that she's pregnant. The doctor conducted a pregnancy
test which showed that she was one month pregnant. Out of disbelief and tears, the
doctor said, 'please, show me your God, I want to worship Him'.

Not too long the lady gave birth to a baby boy..

that the prostitute could have a child.

Therefore, I decree upon your life that whatsoever that has or might
have damaged in your life, in your body, in your skills, your career, your academics, your

My brothers & sisters, God still does this kind of miracles, just write "Amen" and share
this story to your friends, you will see GOD perform a Miracle in your life today!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Lecture Topic: Love Situations You Should NEVER Find Yourself In



Want to turn things around with a guy, and make him open
his heart to you? Then you are in the right place to learn
how to go about it.

What our members/readers say about us:

"I love it when you talk about relationships. You hit the
nail right on the head every single time. I'm slowly
applying your advice into my own life, and I'm already
seeing results. Thank you so much, and please don't stop!"


Today, we'll talk about a rather sensitive topic -
something that started in the mid 1900's, and is still
sweeping over the world like a tidal wave today.

I'm talking about gender equality, the idea and advocacy
that women should have absolute equality with men in
terms of prosperity, economic opportunities,
responsibilities, social expectations, etc.

Some say it's the best thing to ever happen in human
history. Others say it's to blame for much of society's
"current moral decay."

So who's right?

Everyone is definitely entitled to their opinion. Me? As
always, I just follow what works... and I advise my
readers to do the same.

And in today's Lecture, I'll show you three things
about the gender equality movement that HAS NOT worked
out so well for women... and why you should avoid them at
all costs, no matter how you might feel about them.

The Blessing And Curse
Of Gender Equality

Gender equality's "blessing" is that it opened a whole
UNIVERSE of possibilities for women. Today, we're seeing
women CEO's, astronauts, entrepreneurs, authors, and
world leaders... and the world is the better for it.

Think about your life right now. If you're free to choose
your own career, follow your chosen faith without
persecution or ridicule, dress how you want, and so on...
you have the gender equality movement to thank for it.

What's gender equality's "curse?" It has devastated love
lives for women all over the world.

Just a few examples: Skyrocketing divorce rates, broken
dreams, poverty, and women who are successful but
terribly unhappy.

As a woman, you're in danger of these and other
spirit-killing situations. And the scary part is that you
don't even KNOW you're in danger until it's too late.

Kindly check if any of the following dangerous situations
are happening in your life right now:

Situation #1: "I'm single and lonely, and when I
meet a new guy, I immediately wonder if he'll be
my future boyfriend or husband."

The gender equality movement gave rise to the idea that
women should be able to date, pursue, and even propose to

And you're definitely free to try. I just strongly
discourage it.

Why? Because in my years serving as a love coach, I've
observed hundreds of women try to PURSUE men... and the
overwhelming majority of them ended up disappointed and

Time or popular opinion can't change one of the most
time-tested facts of love: That it's the GUY'S job to
chase... and that the success of your relationship has a
lot riding on how he feels with you as his partner.

(Want to make sure both of you stay on the same boat, the
same wavelength, and the same mindset as your
relationship moves forward? Then learn how love REALLY
works by reading my Ebook.)

Situation #2 after the cut:

#2: You slept with him too soon...
and now he's acting hot-and-cold towards you.

Here's another idea brought about by the gender equality

Before, guys used to have all the fun. So now, girls
should be able to have fun, too - and be free to have sex
whenever they want.

Again, sure... you can believe that if you like.

But if you want to find true love and lasting happiness
with the man of your dreams, I highly advise AGAINST it.
And you probably already know why...

When he takes your "ultimate prize" before he completely
falls in love with you, he very quickly loses interest...
and it'll be very hard to make him love you again.

The good news? It's not IMPOSSIBLE to make him love you
again. In fact, I've compiled the most successful
strategies to get out of a "friends with benefits"
situation for my readers. The Lecture will be published
here soon.

Situation #3: "The more I try to love him,
the more he treats me like a friend."

Putting him first in your life. Making him happy. Being
there whenever he needs you. What do all these have in

They're all GREAT things to do... but only if you're
married (or at least dating exclusively).

Otherwise, they're just GREAT ways to get into a man's

Here's my advice: It's okay to show affection and be
kind, but when you are trying too hard to make sure he
knows you like him, he feels lucky to have such a caring

(Oh, you've been friend-zoned already? Don't worry - your
solution is here. Make him love you again... this time
for good!)

Remember, gender equality is a great thing. But great
things come with great responsibility.

And it's our responsibility to recognize the things that
DON'T work, no matter how popular or how "empowering"
they may be.

Enjoy being a woman. You have every right to. But if you
want to find true love and happiness, don't follow what's

Follow what WORKS!

To give you the happiness you deserve.

God Bless Keeplovealive247, God Bless you All.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Dear KLA247 Members,

Can I make a bold prediction for you?

No matter what love problem or trial you're going through
right now, I'm declaring it will be ALL OVER this year. Can I
hear someone say Amen.

I can make this crazy claim because I'm 100% convinced of
a fact about women: That they are much, much better at
solving (or recovering from) love problems than we men are.

I've seen it in my own life. I've seen it in the lives of
thousands of women who read my Ebook and Lectures. And
I've seen it in the lives of women all over the world.

Don't believe me? Then let me prove it by how women get
over one of the biggest and most common love problems in
society today: Divorce.

Scientists and researchers from Kingston University in
the U.K. once conducted a 20-year study on over 10,000
men and women who went through divorces.

You know what they found?

Surprisingly (or not), they found that women were much
happier AFTER their divorces than men were.

Why do women recover better than men? Here are some of
the reasons:

- Men tend to turn to alcohol, drugs,like the picture below

or casual sex to cope with the pain... which actually worsens it.

- Women tend to turn to friends, family, church, etc. for
the support they need... which works wonderfully.

- Men tend to withdraw into a shell after a divorce,
while women tend to get out there, looking for great new

- Women are much better at taking perspective of their
lives, letting go of their past, and looking forward to
the future.

- And, you guessed it; women more readily seek help from
therapists, counselors, and dating coaches. (Wink, wink.)
E.g; checkout most of our members in KLA247, they are

The study's findings prove what women know all along. They
ARE the stronger sex when it comes to love matters.

Now it's time to act like it!

Get Over Your Love Problems,
No Matter How Big Or Small

Now, some of you have e-mailed me to ask: "But Profwise, I've
been doing what you've been telling me to do. I'm
focusing more on my job. I'm spending time with friends.
I'm putting myself first. I'm doing all of that and I'm
STILL hurting!"

Hey, I feel you. The recovery period can take some time,
and it's easy to get impatient!

But what's your other option, right? Would you much
rather just give up, and drown your sorrows in alcohol,
drugs, and casual sex like some men do? Would you rather
live the rest of your life in misery and heartache?

Of course not! If you've been going through the recovery
period and nothing's happening yet, then keep going!

Don't give up.

No matter what your love problem is, your solutions are
always just a few clicks away here at the Keeplovealive247

Let me help you. By following up our lectures right here,
reading my eBook, you won't
just get the extra guidance you need, but some proven,
powerful step-by-step solutions to specific love
problems, as well!

Here are my suggestions after the cut:

If Your Relationship Is Growing Cold,
And You Feel He's Slipping Away...

It's common for some happy, exciting relationships to
grow cold after a while. This is one of the most worrying
and stressful periods in a woman's life.

But like I said before, ANY relationship can be made
whole and happy again. You just need to follow the right
approach in doing so.

I will teach you this right approach right here as you keep
it with Keeplovealive247. I'm proud to say that what i'm going
to reveal on this blog soonest has mended hundreds
of relationships for my readers over the years.

If it can get a divorced couple from Massachusetts to
re-marry and continue a truly wonderful relationship
today, it can help YOU. It is my advised that you join
the blog by clicking Join Site under MEMBERS and follow
the procedure!

If you are using mobile phone in opening the blog,when it
open, scroll down to VIEW WEB VERSION and click it open
allow it load fully, and scroll to the left to access

Now back to lecture room. If He Cheated On You, Or If
You're Not The Only Woman In His Life...

Do you think he's having an extra-marital affair
somewhere... or worse, has he cheated on you already?

Or if you're still dating, is he still seeing other
women... and it annoys you to no end?

Either way, I strongly recommend you stay right here to learn more,
Why He Likes Her More... because even if you leave your cheating
boyfriend/husband, you'll STILL need to know WHY he chose
another woman instead of you... so that it never happens
to you again.

And if you're still single and dating a guy who's still
"keeping his options open" by meeting other women, we
will teach you EXACTLY why he likes those other
girls more... and learn how to make him see you as his
ONLY option!

And lastly:

If He's Abusive Or Neglectful...

...then I suggest you leave him. Some people might
disagree with me, but I have a zero tolerance for men who
hurt or neglect the women in their lives even as a man that i am.

You can, and in my opinion SHOULD, leave him!

But sometimes, leaving him isn't enough. Just because you
left one bad relationship doesn't mean your next one will
be automatically good. Right?

You need to learn from your mistakes. And more
importantly, you need to learn from the mistakes that
other women have made before you.

After all, you can't live long enough to make all the
mistakes by yourself!

If you've been going through one breakup after another...
or if you'd simply want to make sure the next
relationship in your life will be the BEST relationship
in your life, then keep reading our lecture right here:
And above all, order for our Ebook.

- - - > The Breakup Cure < - - -

The road to true love and happiness might be crooked. But
without the proper guidance, you'll go in circles! This
book will show you the right way to go.

Solve Your Love Problems
And Save At The Same Time!

Hope you enjoy the reading this week (All our Lectures)
2014 shall be a successful year for you IJN.

FINALLY break free from your love trials!

By being Wise and Focus to attend the happines you deserve

God Bless Keeplovalive247, God Bless you All.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Celebration Of True Love: Top Seven Celebrity Couples In Nigeria Whose Marriages Have Stood Test Of Time

These days, all we get to read about is celebrity marriages that have tumbled and crashed like a falling plane. The list of celebrities with failed marriages is endless.

Nobody is perfect but these six couples have over the years proven their love. They are icons in the industry of love and they deserved to be celebrated!

I pray today in the name that is above every other name (JESUS) that your own marriage shall be celebrated IJN. If you believe, type Amen.

Olu and Joke Jacobs:

The couple grew in acting together. They are undoubtedly the oldest couple in Nollywood today and have been married for almost 30 years. The couple renewed their marital vows in 2011.

Soni and Betty Irabor:
Soni is a Broadcaster and Betty a journalist, author and publisher. They complement each other and make up for each others weaknesses.

Jay Jay and Nkechi Okocha
Austin ‘Jay Jay’ Okocha and his pretty wife Nkechi made it clear that friendship sustained their marriage. They met in 1994 and since then their love is unspeakable, getting hotter and hotter day by day. Nkechi recently celebrated her 40th birthday, where her hubby presented her an exotic automobile as a gift while also vowing to love her forever. Can you beat that? Love in action.

Tunde and Wunmi Obe (T.W.O):
Tunde and Wunmi have been singing together right from university days and have carved a niche for themselves with their peculiar type of music. They have three kids.

Fela and Tara Durotoye:
Fela is a motivational speaker and business coach and Tara is an entrepreneur – she runs the popular House of Tara. After ten years of marriage, their love is waxing stronger without letting their fame, achievements and success get into their heads.

Zack and Ngozi Orji:
These lovely couple are a shining example to a lot of young celebrity couples. They are one of those celebrity couples who are never talked about because their marriage has lasted forever and there is no obvious drama.

We shall continue from here next friday.

1).your marriage is 10 years and above
2).Newly wedded couple,
3).About to wed
4).Celebrating wedding anniversary

Let's celebrate you right here for the whole world to rejoice with you, contact us on +2348064201199. Email: In Keeplovealive247, We celebrate true LOVE in styles.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Dear KLA247 Members,

What will you do if your boyfriend's mom
hates you? If you had the confidence of
our women in Keeplovealive247, you'll know how
to make his mom lower her guard, warm up
to you, and even become your biggest
fan! Click the link below to start building this
kind of winning confidence:

------ Ways To Build Confidence------


Let's say you're in a relationship with
a great guy. He's a perfect fit for your life.

You love each other to death, you're already talking
about marriage, and you're already looking for a home
to settle down in.

there's just one problem: His mom Hates you.

She doesn't approve of you, she tries to
discourage her son from spending time with you,
and may even threaten to break up the marriage
before it happens.

Have you ever been in that situation?

Or are you in that situation RIGHT NOW?

It's a HUGE mess! And it's enough to make
you just want to scream into the wind.

It's very, VERY important to solve this
problem with your boyfriend's mom before
the two of you get married... otherwise
it could mean a lifetime of pain, frustration,
and hate.

But did you know that, depending on HOW you try to
solve the problem with his mom, you can actually
make the problem WORSE?

Here are three common mistakes women make when dealing
with their boyfriend's difficult mom:

Some women go ballistic and go into the warpath.
They confront the mom and argue with her, going into
word wars and cat-fights that don't really solve anything.

Obviously, this approach never really works. Even if you
win the argument, it's not going to stop his mom from plotting
her revenge on you.

If you've watched even just one episode of "Monster In-Laws,"
then you can imagine the kind of damage an angry mom can do to
a marriage!

Other women think the best thing to do
if his mom hates you is to simply ignore her.
After all, after the wedding, he belongs to YOU
now. And there's nothing she can do about it. Right?

Oh, so wrong! And here are 3 reasons why.

One, nothing's stopping her from trying to break up
your marriage even AFTER the wedding.

Two, unless your boyfriend has a stained relationship
with his mom, he won't like having to choose between you
and her.

And three, even if he DOES choose you over his mom...
how sure are you that he's not going to resent you for forcing
him into such a painful decision?

And finally:

Here are the women who try to PACIFY their boyfriend's
mom. They listen closely to his mom's terms, conditions, and
expectations, and then they go out their way to try to MEET them.

Sure, this might work. But at the same time, it could be recipe

Why? Because think about it - when you meet her terms, conditions,
and expectations, and she realizes she can very easily make you do
whatever she wants... what's stopping her from heaping even MORE
terms, conditions, and expectations on you?

I've read marriage horror stories where the couple was so firmly under
the mother-in-law's control that the mother-in-law actually MOVES IN with
the couple. (Or the other way around- the couple moves in with the mother-

Would you REALLY want his mom controlling your every move after the wedding?
(I sure wouldn't!)

So what's the solution? what's the Keeplovealive247 woman way of dealing
with a mother-in-law who hates you? check it out after the cut:



Here's the secret: Instead of just
meeting his mom's expectations, SURPASS

That's right - meet them and then do
MORE than what she expects!

When you SURPASS his mom's expectations,
you catch her off-guard, you tell her
YOU'RE in control, and you instantly
make her see you in a more positive

For instance, let's say you're a hard
worker in the corporate world, but his
mom expects you to have "housewife"

Don't meet her expectations by quitting
your job and becoming a housewife.
SURPASS her expectations!

SURPASS her expectations by inviting
her, plus friends and family, to a
barbecue at your backyard every three or
four weekends. Show her that you're
fully capable of "housewife" activities
like cooking, cleaning, and entertaining
guests - all while holding a great party

THAT'LL shut her up!

Or here's another example: Let's say
you're not very religious, and his mom
expects you to be a churchgoer. Don't
meet her expectations by converting to
her religion against your will. SURPASS
her expectations!

Show her that you take your spirituality
seriously by planning a church wedding
with your boyfriend. And give his mom a
special place in the ceremony and
reception - something she's been wanting
to have all her life.

See what I mean?

Instead of outdoing, ignoring, or
surrendering to his mom, you're
SURPASSING her expectations with flying
colors. You're meeting BOTH your needs
and expectations at the same time, and
everyone's happy!


Now I'm sure some of you are thinking:
"Surpassing his mom's expectations sure
sounds tough and expensive, Profwise!"

Listen to me: If you've been growing as
a Keeplovealive247 Woman by reading our
Lectures and e-book for the past few
years... then it should be easy.

You should already have the strength,
the resources, and most importantly the
unbreakable CONFIDENCE, to surpass
people's expectations over and over

But if you're new to Keeplovealive247
Initiative or if you've been
practicing our methods but you're still
not quite "there" yet, that's okay.
Relax! We'll find a way to help you
solve ALL your love problems.

And like I mentioned before, the most
important thing to have is unbreakable

Confidence isn't the absence of fear and
anxiety. Confidence is the ability to
OVERCOME fear and anxiety!

When you're confident, any problem, any
trial, any challenge that comes your way
is NOTHING to you.

With your unbreakable confidence, you
can solve those problems, overcome those
challenges, and SURPASS people's
expectations of you.

Would you like to learn this kind of
"Keeplovealive247 Woman" confidence?

Then I invite you to take the fast track
by keeping it right here with
Keeplovealive247 Blog, Facebook Group,
Twitter, BBM Groups etc. And above all,
order and read our E-book to boost your knowledge
and Confidence today.

Now, Will you let other people break you? Or
will you be unbreakable? ;)

Stay right here as we treat this topic

Before we draw the cotton, we will advised you
to invite your friends right here to also learn
this fact about Dating and Relationship on
Keeplovalive247 Blog.

Your comment, suggestion and question is welcomed
right here.

And again, i say Be Smart, Be Wise, Be Confidence
when it comes to Dating and Relationship and all aspect of life.

We Love You.

Thank you.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Most women fail in relationships because they subconsciously make "relationship-killing" mistakes. You can stop making these fatal mistakes and transform your love life today...
Dear KLA247 Members,

I always keep to my promise when I made one, I promised treating this topic soon in yesterday lecture, and here you have.

For many years, I've always thought LOVE was this mysterious, complicated, impossible-to-decipher human emotion... and that DATING was a minefield of jerks, players, and perverts that only the luckiest men or women ever get out of it alive.

No joke!

But after teaching, helping, counseling, and advising men and women for nearly a decade, I've realized one simple truth:

Love is SIMPLE.

In fact, it's easy to understand!

It's just that today's modern dating practices COMPLICATE it a lot. Instances after the cut...

(1) Instead of learning how to become good partners, spouses, and parents, couples today are taught to be “pick-up artists” and “foxy seductresses.”

(2) Instead of looking for your “one true love,” people are taught to find partners for the moment, and change them when the “fun is gone...” like switching jobs, or changing a light bulb. that sound funny isn’nt it?

(3) Instead of finding the best possible match for them, people are taught to “just make it work” with their current partners, until a better one comes along.

It's crazy!

That's why I made it my personal goal in life: To make love SIMPLE again, to introduce men and women to the RIGHT way to play the dating game, especially the women, and to help smart, attractive, kindhearted women like YOU find a man you truly deserve... and who deserves YOU.

So exactly HOW do we do that?
That's the best part...

How To Find Your One True Love

Let's go back to our original question: Why do some women stay single for the rest of their lives?

(1) It's NOT because all men are jerks who only want sex.

(2) It's NOT because all the good men out there are either taken or gay.

(3) And it's definitely NOT because you deserve to stay single. (Heck no!)

The reason why many great women are still single is because you DON'T KNOW ALL THE RULES of love and dating like I said in my previous lecture.

That's right – you don't know ALL the rules. As a result, you keep breaking them without even knowing it – which is why you keep ending up in bad relationships with lousy men!

That's exactly why we are here to open some of these secrets to you right here. Also, in my eBook, you will find more of these RULES in it, you'll learn ALL the rules that will PROTECT you from the scum of the dating game... while at the same time learning the CRUCIAL THINGS TO AVOID when dating a man you like.


LET’S Quickly Look At Some Of These Rules after the cut:

RULE No. 1 – Never ever give your man an ultimatum!
A response women often make is to give an ultimatum, in other words they’ll say to the guy that if he does not commit to her exclusively from now on, she is sorry but their relationship is over.

Now this looks like a decent approach, right? – WRONG

If you give a man an ultimatum, he will run a mile every time. By bearing down on him to make an ‘all or nothing’ decision, you will only make him associate pain and stress with commitment.

He will see it as having to resign himself to a relationship, and he’ll romanticize the freedom that he would get being single.

Rule No. 2 – Don’t give him all the benefits of a relationship before he’s committed to one.

A guy has to earn his place in your life. What a lot of women make the mistake of doing is giving themselves completely to a guy before he has expressed any intention of committing.

Not only does this apply sexually, but also to how much time they give him. They let him call her up and come over whenever he’s around; they break plans for him, come and look after him when he’s ill, the list goes on….
If you give a guy all these things before you’re even dating he’ll think:
“Why do I need to commit when I can get all this attention and still be single?”

Rule No. 3 – Get him to associate massive pleasure to commitment!

Another mistake women make when men won’t commit is trying to be colder towards him. This is also the wrong response.
Although it’s right that you might want to back off a bit (or even date other men!), you want to make sure that whatever time you do spend together is the most fun he could possibly have!

That way when you leave he’ll think: “I want to spend more time with this girl; we have such an amazing time together!”

You always need the guy to realize that every time he commits to you a little bit more, things get more fun, more exciting, more romantic, and sexier. If you give him everything all at once right away, there’s nothing left for him to achieve by being in a relationship with you.

What you ideally want is for him to feel like the single life can never be as much fun than experiencing new things with you can be.
A guy needs to feel like he’s missing out by not committing to you.

For more of this Rules, order for my Ebook today but in all, keep keeping it with Keeplovealive247 Blog. Don’t hesitate to tell a friend about Keeplovealive247 Blog. More eyes opening lecture coming right here.

Before I draw the cotton for today’s lecture, I will say, Be Wise, Be Smart, Be Confident and be a contributor to help you keep your love alive247.
We appreciate your Comment, question and suggestion.
God Bless Keeplovealive247, God Bless you All.

Monday, February 17, 2014


What's the fastest way to have better luck with men and love? Without a doubt, it's simply KNOWING THE RULES. Learn some of the rules right here in this lecture and in my Ebook, and get the fast track to finding your one true love.

What our members say about us:
"Your LECTURES and WORD FOR THE DAY are amazing
-i'm learning so much about men, about love, and most
importantly about myself. Thank you so much, and please
keep teaching us love secrets"

Dear KLA247 Members,
Why do guys friend-zone nice girls, and instead chase after "bad girls?"

If you asked a good, level-headed guy this question, he'd probably answer:

"Well, it goes both ways. We also wonder why most women ignore all the nice guys, and instead go for rebellious jerks."

Well, how about that, huh?

Here's the fact: People don't fall in love with "nice" people. People fall in love with people they find attractive and interesting.

Am I right or wrong?

And sadly, that's the biggest disadvantage for nice girls like you. Most of you live safe, ordinary, unexciting lives. You're simply "not interesting enough" for most guys to notice.

In harsher terms, you're a little too BORING...............

Ever noticed how dating a boring guy can be worse than dating an ugly guy? Yup, it's THAT bad... and it's another thing that "goes both ways."

But that's not even the worst part. You know what's worse than being boring or ugly?

It's being NEEDY. And being needy is sadly yet another trait that most "nice women" have.

The bad news? You might be needy and not know it. Here are a few little-known signs of neediness...

Needy Sign #1:
Trying Too Hard To Get His Attention

Let me clear a common misconception: Men are NOT dumb.

Sure, they may not be as sharp as you may consider yourself to be. But they CAN tell if you secretly like them... and they DO know the signs.

So if you try to get his attention by "liking" his Facebook posts, retweeting his tweets, repeating his comment on Keeplovealive247 or forwarding "wise sayings and quotes" to him via text...

Yup, he knows what you're up to.

Needy Sign #2:
Making Him Your First Priority

Do you immediately drop everything you do when he needs to talk or meet up?

If you do, then he won't see you as a lover, but as "his great friend who's always there for him."

(Quick Note: If you STILL don't know what the unbreakable rules of love and dating are, then I urge you to read my E-book as soon as you can!)

And lastly...

Needy Sign #3:
Confessing Your Feelings To Him:

Sure, you're just being honest.Sure, every word you say is true. Sure, you finally get it off your chest.

Unfortunately, there's also a 99% chance he won't feel the same way... and it's off to his friend zone you go.

AND EVEN IF you do get into a relationship, it won't last very long... simply because it was JUST YOU who wanted to get into a relationship in the first place. It was YOUR idea.

As I always say: It takes TWO people to make a relationship work!

Now, I know what you might be thinking:

"Should I Become A 'Bad Girl' If I Want To Find True Love?"

Thankfully, no. I have a much better idea: Read my E-Book and learn what the "bad girls" know that the rest of you don't.

Why? Because instead of becoming someone you're not, why not JUST BE YOU... with some sexy new "bad girl" love skills and dating know-how?

You can do it. You SHOULD do it!

Think about the "bad girls" you know in your life. You might be surprised to know that deep inside, they're actually kind, smart, and caring on the inside... on top of being fun, flirty, and a tease.

THAT's what you want to become-a a bad girl on the outside, but a nice girl on the inside!

The fastest, easiest way to gain unshakable self-esteem, get luckier in love, and make men feel that deep, heart-tugging kind of attraction for you... is by reading our lectures right here, dropping your comment, asking question, suggestions and above all getting my E-book to know more.

In it, I revealed to you ALL the most powerful dating secrets of the "bad girls" out there... so that they won't get ALL the great guys!;)

Place your trial order for my E-Book:

-----NEVER LOSE A GUY EVER AGAIN! WATCH OUT FOR THIS LECTURE RIGHT HERE SOON. It gonna be short but powerful lecture------

And lastly, Be strong, Be Wise, Be Smart as you enjoy true LOVE. We advise you stay with Keeplovealive247 for all the secrets on finding and enjoying true LOVE.

We will appreciate all your comment concerning this lecture.

God bless Keeplovealive247, God bless you All.

Profwise Brain.

For: Keeplovealive247.