Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Most women fail in relationships because they subconsciously make "relationship-killing" mistakes. You can stop making these fatal mistakes and transform your love life today...
Dear KLA247 Members,

I always keep to my promise when I made one, I promised treating this topic soon in yesterday lecture, and here you have.

For many years, I've always thought LOVE was this mysterious, complicated, impossible-to-decipher human emotion... and that DATING was a minefield of jerks, players, and perverts that only the luckiest men or women ever get out of it alive.

No joke!

But after teaching, helping, counseling, and advising men and women for nearly a decade, I've realized one simple truth:

Love is SIMPLE.

In fact, it's easy to understand!

It's just that today's modern dating practices COMPLICATE it a lot. Instances after the cut...

(1) Instead of learning how to become good partners, spouses, and parents, couples today are taught to be “pick-up artists” and “foxy seductresses.”

(2) Instead of looking for your “one true love,” people are taught to find partners for the moment, and change them when the “fun is gone...” like switching jobs, or changing a light bulb. that sound funny isn’nt it?

(3) Instead of finding the best possible match for them, people are taught to “just make it work” with their current partners, until a better one comes along.

It's crazy!

That's why I made it my personal goal in life: To make love SIMPLE again, to introduce men and women to the RIGHT way to play the dating game, especially the women, and to help smart, attractive, kindhearted women like YOU find a man you truly deserve... and who deserves YOU.

So exactly HOW do we do that?
That's the best part...

How To Find Your One True Love

Let's go back to our original question: Why do some women stay single for the rest of their lives?

(1) It's NOT because all men are jerks who only want sex.

(2) It's NOT because all the good men out there are either taken or gay.

(3) And it's definitely NOT because you deserve to stay single. (Heck no!)

The reason why many great women are still single is because you DON'T KNOW ALL THE RULES of love and dating like I said in my previous lecture.

That's right – you don't know ALL the rules. As a result, you keep breaking them without even knowing it – which is why you keep ending up in bad relationships with lousy men!

That's exactly why we are here to open some of these secrets to you right here. Also, in my eBook, you will find more of these RULES in it, you'll learn ALL the rules that will PROTECT you from the scum of the dating game... while at the same time learning the CRUCIAL THINGS TO AVOID when dating a man you like.


LET’S Quickly Look At Some Of These Rules after the cut:

RULE No. 1 – Never ever give your man an ultimatum!
A response women often make is to give an ultimatum, in other words they’ll say to the guy that if he does not commit to her exclusively from now on, she is sorry but their relationship is over.

Now this looks like a decent approach, right? – WRONG

If you give a man an ultimatum, he will run a mile every time. By bearing down on him to make an ‘all or nothing’ decision, you will only make him associate pain and stress with commitment.

He will see it as having to resign himself to a relationship, and he’ll romanticize the freedom that he would get being single.

Rule No. 2 – Don’t give him all the benefits of a relationship before he’s committed to one.

A guy has to earn his place in your life. What a lot of women make the mistake of doing is giving themselves completely to a guy before he has expressed any intention of committing.

Not only does this apply sexually, but also to how much time they give him. They let him call her up and come over whenever he’s around; they break plans for him, come and look after him when he’s ill, the list goes on….
If you give a guy all these things before you’re even dating he’ll think:
“Why do I need to commit when I can get all this attention and still be single?”

Rule No. 3 – Get him to associate massive pleasure to commitment!

Another mistake women make when men won’t commit is trying to be colder towards him. This is also the wrong response.
Although it’s right that you might want to back off a bit (or even date other men!), you want to make sure that whatever time you do spend together is the most fun he could possibly have!

That way when you leave he’ll think: “I want to spend more time with this girl; we have such an amazing time together!”

You always need the guy to realize that every time he commits to you a little bit more, things get more fun, more exciting, more romantic, and sexier. If you give him everything all at once right away, there’s nothing left for him to achieve by being in a relationship with you.

What you ideally want is for him to feel like the single life can never be as much fun than experiencing new things with you can be.
A guy needs to feel like he’s missing out by not committing to you.

For more of this Rules, order for my Ebook today but in all, keep keeping it with Keeplovealive247 Blog. Don’t hesitate to tell a friend about Keeplovealive247 Blog. More eyes opening lecture coming right here.

Before I draw the cotton for today’s lecture, I will say, Be Wise, Be Smart, Be Confident and be a contributor to help you keep your love alive247.
We appreciate your Comment, question and suggestion.
God Bless Keeplovealive247, God Bless you All.


Anonymous said...

Thank u so much my Prof for d lecture.

Anonymous said...

Keep teaching us pls. Dat was a great lecture

Anonymous said...

Profwise I really enjoy ur lecture. This one has help me a lot. I now knw where d mistakes re coming frm. Thanks once again