Monday, February 24, 2014

Lecture Topic: Love Situations You Should NEVER Find Yourself In



Want to turn things around with a guy, and make him open
his heart to you? Then you are in the right place to learn
how to go about it.

What our members/readers say about us:

"I love it when you talk about relationships. You hit the
nail right on the head every single time. I'm slowly
applying your advice into my own life, and I'm already
seeing results. Thank you so much, and please don't stop!"


Today, we'll talk about a rather sensitive topic -
something that started in the mid 1900's, and is still
sweeping over the world like a tidal wave today.

I'm talking about gender equality, the idea and advocacy
that women should have absolute equality with men in
terms of prosperity, economic opportunities,
responsibilities, social expectations, etc.

Some say it's the best thing to ever happen in human
history. Others say it's to blame for much of society's
"current moral decay."

So who's right?

Everyone is definitely entitled to their opinion. Me? As
always, I just follow what works... and I advise my
readers to do the same.

And in today's Lecture, I'll show you three things
about the gender equality movement that HAS NOT worked
out so well for women... and why you should avoid them at
all costs, no matter how you might feel about them.

The Blessing And Curse
Of Gender Equality

Gender equality's "blessing" is that it opened a whole
UNIVERSE of possibilities for women. Today, we're seeing
women CEO's, astronauts, entrepreneurs, authors, and
world leaders... and the world is the better for it.

Think about your life right now. If you're free to choose
your own career, follow your chosen faith without
persecution or ridicule, dress how you want, and so on...
you have the gender equality movement to thank for it.

What's gender equality's "curse?" It has devastated love
lives for women all over the world.

Just a few examples: Skyrocketing divorce rates, broken
dreams, poverty, and women who are successful but
terribly unhappy.

As a woman, you're in danger of these and other
spirit-killing situations. And the scary part is that you
don't even KNOW you're in danger until it's too late.

Kindly check if any of the following dangerous situations
are happening in your life right now:

Situation #1: "I'm single and lonely, and when I
meet a new guy, I immediately wonder if he'll be
my future boyfriend or husband."

The gender equality movement gave rise to the idea that
women should be able to date, pursue, and even propose to

And you're definitely free to try. I just strongly
discourage it.

Why? Because in my years serving as a love coach, I've
observed hundreds of women try to PURSUE men... and the
overwhelming majority of them ended up disappointed and

Time or popular opinion can't change one of the most
time-tested facts of love: That it's the GUY'S job to
chase... and that the success of your relationship has a
lot riding on how he feels with you as his partner.

(Want to make sure both of you stay on the same boat, the
same wavelength, and the same mindset as your
relationship moves forward? Then learn how love REALLY
works by reading my Ebook.)

Situation #2 after the cut:

#2: You slept with him too soon...
and now he's acting hot-and-cold towards you.

Here's another idea brought about by the gender equality

Before, guys used to have all the fun. So now, girls
should be able to have fun, too - and be free to have sex
whenever they want.

Again, sure... you can believe that if you like.

But if you want to find true love and lasting happiness
with the man of your dreams, I highly advise AGAINST it.
And you probably already know why...

When he takes your "ultimate prize" before he completely
falls in love with you, he very quickly loses interest...
and it'll be very hard to make him love you again.

The good news? It's not IMPOSSIBLE to make him love you
again. In fact, I've compiled the most successful
strategies to get out of a "friends with benefits"
situation for my readers. The Lecture will be published
here soon.

Situation #3: "The more I try to love him,
the more he treats me like a friend."

Putting him first in your life. Making him happy. Being
there whenever he needs you. What do all these have in

They're all GREAT things to do... but only if you're
married (or at least dating exclusively).

Otherwise, they're just GREAT ways to get into a man's

Here's my advice: It's okay to show affection and be
kind, but when you are trying too hard to make sure he
knows you like him, he feels lucky to have such a caring

(Oh, you've been friend-zoned already? Don't worry - your
solution is here. Make him love you again... this time
for good!)

Remember, gender equality is a great thing. But great
things come with great responsibility.

And it's our responsibility to recognize the things that
DON'T work, no matter how popular or how "empowering"
they may be.

Enjoy being a woman. You have every right to. But if you
want to find true love and happiness, don't follow what's

Follow what WORKS!

To give you the happiness you deserve.

God Bless Keeplovealive247, God Bless you All.